

Проблемы пожарной безопасности пути их решения и совершенствование противопожарной защиты - Барбин Н. М.

19.       Safe Working with Industrial Solvents. Flammability: A Safety Guide for Users // Best Practice Guidelines № 4. - Brussels: ESIG, 2003. - 21 P.

20.       Guide on Classification and Labelling of Dangerous Substances and Preparations. - Brussels: CEFIC, 2001. - 80 P.

21.       Approved Classification and Labelling Guide. - Richmond: HSE, 2009. - 62 P.

22.       ECHA-09-G-01-EN. Introductory Guidance on the CLP Regulation. - Brussels: ECHA, 2009. - 116 P.

23.       EUR 24734 EN - 2011. - Joint Research Centre - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen. Application of GHS Substances Classification Criteria for the Identification of Seveso Establishments. - Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011. - 97 P.

24.       JKKP: GP (I) 4/97. Guidelines for the Classification of Hazardous Chemicals.

-    Putrajaya: Department of Occupational Safety and Health, 1997. - 39 P.

25.       Наредба № Із1971 от 29.10.2009 г. За строително-технически правила и

норми за осигуряване на 6єзошсност при пожар. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:                     http://www.vikont-b.com/Закони-и-Наредби                (дата обращения


26.       Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail (2011

Electronic Version for Website). [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http:// www.ntc.gov.au/viewpage.aspx?AreaId=35&DocumentId=1147                        (дата

обращения 17.12.2011).

27.       Australian Standard AS 1940-2004 (Incorporating Amendment Nos 1 and 2). The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids. - Sydney: Standards Australia, 2006. - 173 P.

28.       GHS Classification Guidance for Enterprises. - Tokyo: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2010. - 291 P.


Арканов П. В., преподаватель кафедры пожарной тактики и службы e-mail: Uri.ppv@yandex.ru

ФГБОУ ВПО УрИ ГПС МЧС России Екатеринбург, Россия

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